Visit to Germany Strengthens Connections, Collaborative Spirit

Written by Rev. Lorraine Ceniceros, Conference Minister

Last month, the Conference of Conference Ministers Gathering in Cleveland reflected to me, in a very real way, the importance of the connections we have with one another and the significance of making new connections in our life and work.

Throughout the adjustment of moving into a new setting, I was deeply appreciative of my new colleagues and the knowledge that they could be counted on if I had questions or concerns about conference ministry. The theme of creating new relationships continues to be at the forefront of my experience as I spend my Sunday mornings preaching and worshiping with different congregations. My heart is full with of the joy of meeting people and making new friends. 

As I move forward, the opportunity for new connections continue. As I write this month’s message to you, I am traveling to Frankfurt, Germany to meet with our mission partners in Baden. Bishop Jochen Cornelius-Bundschuh, the current regional Bishop, will be retiring and the Bishop elect, Heike Springhart, will take office. To mark this transition in leadership, a worship service and reception will be held on Sunday April 10, 2022. As the representative of the Kansas Oklahoma Conference, I have been invited to represent our partnership. In addition, I have been given the honor of providing a blessing for Bishop Springhart on behalf of the K-O Conference and the church’s international partners during the service.  This momentous occasion also marks the 50th anniversary of women’s ordination in the Baden Church. The worship service is to be broadcast over German Public Television. We are hopeful a video of the service will be available to share with you via the Conference web site. 

During my week with our partners, I will have an opportunity to meet with leaders of various groups, including the C02 Reduction Program and the “We-buy-differently” program which supports sustainable purchasing. Also scheduled are meetings with the regional environmental officer, leaders of the Youth Department, and the Just Peace group. Space has been made for me to attend a meeting with the Department for Mission and Ecumenical Affairs at church headquarters.  Dinner is planned with the UCC Contact group, “My heart beats Vegan.” Yum!

I will be blessed to spend time with Sarah Banhardt who served her internship in Topeka, and Alina Kießling who will do a church internship with UCC congregations in New Jersey. These connections are vitally important in our collaborative work together.

Lest you think the trip will be all work, included in the week is a tour of Morata House, a visit to Karlsruhe Castle, a road trip through part of the Black Forest, and a tour of the city of Freiburg. 

I am honored and excited to be a part of this long-standing partnership between Evangelische Landeskirche and the Kansas Oklahoma Conference as we strive to deepen our denominational ties and working relationships. We have a great deal to share between our respective countries and denominations and much to learn from each other. I am looking forward to sharing with you what I learn this week as we seek to navigate our way forward together in this changing world. 

My closing this week continues to affirm the feelings I held last month. Connections are important for our spiritual and emotional well-being. Join me in calling someone you don’t normally talk with, reaching out to make new connections, and blessing one another. Together we will strive to fulfill the law of Christ.  

Many blessings as we walk this journey of faith together,



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