KO Grant Makes KLC Experience Available to Everyone

Written by Rev. Lorraine Ceniceros

Last November as I was preparing to relocate to Kansas, I enrolled and attended the Kansas Leadership Center’s program Your Leadership Edge (YLE)at the invitation of the Conference Council chairperson, Bobbie Henderson.  I knew the KLC training was important to conference leaders, so important that the Council sought and were awarded a grant that allows many clergy, lay leaders, and conference members to attend and learn, at no cost to the attendee. The YLE is a 2-day training that introduces the leadership framework concepts at the core of KLC’s powerful training.

The basic concepts were building blocks enabling me to begin to think about leadership differently. I italicized the word begin because the first class just scratched the surface and left me scratching my head a bit. The concepts were good but how were they connected and how could I use them?  Last week I participated in the KLS’s second program, Lead for Change and my mind was blown! The concepts from the first program fell neatly into place as we worked through the 4-day training. I now have a clearer understanding about the differences between technical and adaptive challenges.

Tackling technical challenges requires expertise and logic. Technical challenges take work but often have clear answers and solutions. Solutions to adaptive challenges are more elusive because they are often about deeply held values, loyalties, and beliefs. So deeply held we often are not aware of them on a conscious level. When we try to resolve an adaptive challenge with a technical fix, progress will feel out of reach.  I discovered this KLC framework will be helpful in my personal life and in my ministry.  I am excited to take my learning further by attending the third session, Equip to Lead.  

I invite you to learn skills that enable you to understand others in your life and successfully lead wherever you are in your work, your community, and your church.  If you’ve attended the Your Leadership Edge training, you will want to attend the second training Lead For Change which neatly ties everything together. 


For more information on KLC programming, and to reserve your space in a class, get more information and dates by clicking here. For a sign-up code that will allow you to register for the class at no charge, contact Rev. Lorraine Ceniceros or Bobbie Henderson.


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