The Importance of Staying Connected

Rev. Lorraine Ceniceros, Conference Minister

Visit to Germany

My time in Germany was a whirlwind of activity and a time of great learning. There are many differences between how we do things in Kansas and Oklahoma, and how it works for our ecumenical partners. I learned how the German Protestant church is structured and organized as opposed to the structure and organization of the United Church of Christ, a congregational denomination. And, because the Evangelical Church of Baden is supported by the contributions of their citizen’s tax dollars, the church has a larger budget and staff. This enables the Department for Mission and Ecumenical Affairs, the Department for Environment and Energy, as well as other departments within their structure, to help congregations work toward tackling the pressing problem of climate change and other challenges in a substantial way. For example, the Energy department rolls out initiatives, incentives, programs, and support to help individual churches move toward green energy uses. In KO, these efforts are more decentralized.  

Just as there is much that is different about our structures, many of our challenges are the same. Like us, the Protestant Church in Germany is experiencing congregations getting smaller, and supportive dollars shrinking. Many German citizens are moving away from being invested in organized religion. This move away from religion is resulting in lessening tax contributions which were once the norm. Like us, our German partners are being challenged to carry on their work with less funding. I share this information because I believe that through our partnership, which has been in place for many years, both the conference and the Baden Church can benefit as we learn from and share information with each other.

Congregations here in Kansas and Oklahoma who would like to work toward a having a smaller greener footprint can receive information from work that has already been done by our partners. Our national setting and many of our conferences, including this one, have experienced the challenge of downsizing and rebalancing available funds, while still striving to serve our congregations and communities. Always, relationships are strengthened by sharing ideas and information. These links are important components of doing ministry whether between our individual local congregations or from the Kansas Oklahoma Conference across the Atlantic ocean to Baden. 

Connection and community continue to be the focus of my work, the work of the Council and both sections of the Committee on Ministry. Together, we are working on various ways, through programming and ad hoc committees, to help us to connect and support our clergy and congregations, from Communities of Practice for our authorized clergy to relaunching our Disaster Coordinator team. You will hear more about these later. 

Serving the Wider Church

My work is growing outside of the Conference, as well, and yet this work directly touches what we’re striving to accomplish here. Some of the committees I am serving on include the General Minister and President (GMP) search committee. I’m excited to serve on this committee which has been tasked with bringing to Synod 2023 the candidate who, if elected, will serve as our next GMP and who will lead the UCC into the future of the church. The committee is working with a national executive search firm whose work is devoted to recruiting exceptional leaders for mission-driven organizations. 

I am serving on the planning committee for the December Authorizing Ministers for the 21st Century (AM21) event. AM21 provides conference staff, Committee on Ministry members and church leaders, resources and best practices that help to support their work. Once a year we gather to learn, share, and create connections and community across conferences. The new connections and friendships made, and former relationships sustained, help to support us in our work for the next year.

I will also be working with The Antionette Brown Society (ABS) leadership team to expand the Society’s support and commitment to recognizing diverse clergywomen. The ABS looks forward to hosting diverse gatherings, and going further to create leadership opportunities, developments, and increased access for Black, Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC) clergywomen. 

A team I began working with before I was called to KO, and have continued to work with, is the Rural Church Coalition. This group of leaders include lay, clergy, and conference staff who are passionate about providing support for our small and rural congregations. The goal is to create a support network for small/rural congregations that all are welcome to access. Included in this is an advocacy piece that will strive to raise the presence and voices of small/rural congregations, providing them a seat at the table so their challenges and needs can be shared with all settings of the church.

Last but certainly not least, beginning in the fall, I will be serving on the Board of Directors of the Cornerstone Fund.

Building Relationships in KO

My time with local congregations continues as I travel across the conference each Sunday to bring the message to, worship with, and spend time with our congregations. My scheduler is available for congregations who would like for me to visit with them. 

My time has been full, meeting new people and finding where I can bring my skills and talents to bear. Together with these talented and faithful people I am working to continue to have the K-O conference at the table as we seek to hear God’s call leading us toward new ways of being church.

Let us continue to affirm the importance of connections. Connections are important for our spiritual and emotional well-being. Call someone you don’t normally talk with, reach out to make a connection with someone new. Bless one another and together we can strive to fulfill the law of Christ.  

Many blessings as we walk this journey of faith together,



A Bird’s Eye View: Committees on Ministry


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