A Bird’s Eye View: Committees on Ministry

written by Jan Lange

As the Registrar for the Kansas-Oklahoma Conference UCC, I have had a bird’s eye view to the work of the two Committeees on Ministry of the Conference – and it’s been a privilege to witness.

I sit in on meetings to facilitate my understanding of needed record changes and in recent years I have been tasked with taking the minutes.  I have no voice or vote on the decisions of the committee.  As a retired organization administrator, I wanted to share my observations of the exemplary examples I see during the committee deliberations both on shared rejoicing in the work of churches and authorized ministers and also in the compassionate discernment when hard situations arise.  The Conference should celebrate the work of the two sub-committees.

COM D (for “Discernment”) helps to shepherd those in early discernment of their call and walks with them on their journey toward ordination. They also approve lay ministry by authorizing Licensed Minister Standing before handing their responsibilities to COM A (for “Authorization.”) COM A provides support and oversight for Authorized Ministers.  Both committees conduct their roles with a spirit of communion with the candidates/ministers in a way that any successful organization would be blessed to attain.

When problems arise, I have watched the committees work hard to establish impartial boundaries to advise in the deliberations, sometimes recusing members with personal relationships and/or seeking advice from non-invested parties.  COM A has requested assistance in some situations from the UCC Ministerial Excellence, Support and Authorization team (MESA) for advice and counsel to assure fairness for all parties.  And both committees are led by the Manual of Ministry for all their work.  In addition, they devote considerable time to developing resources for continuing education and support.

I have watched both committees seek to support our conference ministers in whatever is happening in their ministries and the members have always been, in my view, responding with the heart of Christ.

I leave every meeting thankful for the good people who give their time to serve on one of the sub-committees and am assured that through their work the Conference is in good hands.

I just wanted to take the opportunity to let all in KO know of my very positive observations from this bird’s eye perch.  I give thanks for my opportunity to serve in this role.

Jan Lange, KO Registrar


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