Conference Ministers Meet to Strategize, Strengthen Connections

Bear one another’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.
— Galatians 6:2, NRSV


These last few weeks I have been contemplating the importance of ongoing connections and support for one another. I witnessed the embodiment and importance of these connections this last week at the gathering of the Cabinet of Conference Ministers in Cleveland. This was the first opportunity I have had to meet my CM colleagues and for many, the first time they were in person together since the beginning of the pandemic. Those who gathered were all triple vaccinated and yet, out of care for one another, everyone agreed to stay masked and distanced throughout our time together.

written by Rev. Lorraine Ceniceros, Conference Minister

The group experienced worship, prayer, reflection, and renewal with one another. We talked about the challenges that our individual conferences face as we move forward in what seems to be a very different world from what we knew three years ago. Together, we shared ideas and best practices, we learned about programs in place in other conferences, and we received support from each other in the assurance that none of us need to reinvent the wheel as we move forward with new ideas for the conferences we serve. Our colleagues are truly just a phone call or email away when we have questions about how to implement a new program or need to talk something through. The week was a time when we could individually admit we don’t have all the answers, and we don’t need to have all the answers because we have wisdom available in our colleagues. Connections were made or reaffirmed. All we need to do is reach out.

Our time together ended with each conference minister receiving the name of another person with whom we covenanted with to stay in connection throughout the year. We will share our burdens and will lift each other in prayer. The connections were announced to the group and together, as a group, we verbally blessed one another.

Connections are important throughout our lives and have become even more vital as we move through the ups and down of the pandemic. Yes, friends, the pandemic is still with us, even as the infection numbers seem to be going down. All of us - individuals, families, and congregations alike are feeling the challenges of the last few years. Call someone you don’t normally talk with, reach out to make new connections, bless one another, and together we will strive to fulfill the law of Christ.

Many blessings as we walk this journey of faith together,




Visit to Germany Strengthens Connections, Collaborative Spirit


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