Supporting the Work of the Kansas - Oklahoma Conference

Dear Friends,

Extravagant Welcome. Connecting Churches. Transforming Lives.

 This is how we are known in the Kansas Oklahoma Conference. We welcome all, no matter who you are or where you are on the theological spectrum. We welcome all, as people made in the image of God, not only if you fit society’s narrowly accepted image. We connect congregations so the work of Christ’s church can be done in our communities. Through our love for each other and all of God’s people, we seek to share a vision of God’s justice to transform lives.

During our 2023 Annual Meeting, we brought leaders and delegates together for conversations, seeking to learn how we could be more invested with, and supported by, one another to become more equipped and empowered for ministry in Kansas and Oklahoma.

This work of the gathered people was powerful.

We learned there is a great desire for more connections where we can do things with and for the church together.

We learned that many of our members who come from other denominations are interested in more theological exploration. There is also a great curiosity about the history and nuances of our identity as the United Church of Christ.

We learned loneliness is a reality for clergy and laypeople alike. There is a desire to work together with meaningful space for connection and relationship. We might be surrounded by people, but unless we are connected in a tangible way, we can still feel lonely. Several of us expressed that “knowing that other people are going through [the same thing] makes me feel less alone.”

With your support and generosity, we can expand our ability to help congregations and clergy address the concerns lifted during our Annual Meeting and continue to do what we do best: welcome all, build connections, and transform lives.

Will you join us by giving $25 or more to Friends of the Conference? There are several ways you can donate. The KO Kindful link can be accessed here or your donation can be mailed to 302 W. 7th St #425, Junction City, KS 66441.

Together, we can be the creative and vibrant church God calls us all to be.

Yours in faith,


Jim French, Conference President

Lorraine Ceniceros, Conference Minister


Clergy sign-on Letter of LGBTQ+ Support from KIFA


November Message from Rev. Lorraine Ceniceros, Conference Minister