November Message from Rev. Lorraine Ceniceros, Conference Minister

As the air turns crisp and the leaves blanket the ground in the different hues that signify the coming of winter, we find ourselves embracing the warmth of the season and preparing to celebrate Thanksgiving. It’s a time when the spirit of gratitude fills the air, bringing people together in the embrace of cherished traditions and heartfelt gatherings.

As we approach the season of gratitude and gatherings, I find myself reflecting on the past weeks filled with enriching experiences and moments of celebration that embody the essence of Thanksgiving.

A Thanksgiving Lunch to Remember: Recently, I had the pleasure of a Sunday morning visit with Evangelical UCC in Marysville, KS. Following the service, we were treated to a heartwarming and delicious Thanksgiving lunch. The warmth of camaraderie and the aroma of home-cooked meals filled the air, reminding us all of the beauty of coming together to share in the spirit of gratitude. Conversations flowed effortlessly, laughter echoed through the fellowship hall, and the joy of collective celebration resonated within each conversation.

Clergy Installation Ceremony: It was an honor to participate in the October 29 installation service of Rev. Carol Edling Jolly with Trinity United Christian Church in Cheney, KS. Installation services mark a pivotal moment in the life of a faith community’s spiritual journey. Witnessing the commitment of Rev. Jolly to guide and serve the congregation, and the congregation’s commitment to the leadership of their new minister is a deeply moving experience—a reminder of the strength that comes from unity and shared purpose.

Oklahoma Faith Network Annual Dinner: Attending the October 26th Oklahoma Faith Network Annual Dinner was a testament to the power of interfaith connections. Coming together with individuals from diverse backgrounds, united by a shared vision of compassion and understanding, highlighted the strength in our differences and the beauty of mutual respect.

Upcoming Retired Clergy Group: Looking ahead, I’m excited about Rev. Peter Luckey’s willingness to meet with and provide an ongoing space for our retired clergy to gather. It’s a beautiful opportunity for seasoned ministers to connect, share insight, and foster a sense of community among each other. Those who have dedicated their lives to serving Christ’s church and providing spiritual guidance to God’s people still have love and wisdom to share. As they come together, we can think about how to utilize their continued willingness to be a part of the larger church.

Thanksgiving: A Season of Togetherness

As we navigate these moments of celebration and connection, Thanksgiving serves as a beacon, reminding us to pause and express gratitude for the blessings that enrich our lives. It’s a time to embrace the warmth of friendships, cherish the strength of our community, and appreciate the diverse tapestry that makes our journey unique and beautiful.

The experiences shared in these events—whether in fellowship at a Thanksgiving lunch, in solemnity and joy of a clergy installation, or in celebration at a faith network dinner—underscore the importance of unity, compassion, and the power of coming together.

As we prepare to gather with our loved ones, let’s carry this spirit of gratitude forward, extending kindness to all and cherishing the moments spent in the company of those who enrich our lives.

Friends, as always, I pray you keep stretching your comfort zone to share the love of Christ with others. Relationships are an important ingredient to help sustain hope in our strife filled world. In that stretching out toward and connecting with others, may you feel a deeper connection to the Holy.

May this Thanksgiving season be filled with abundance, love, and cherished moments shared with family and friends.

Many blessings as we walk this journey of faith together,



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