Search Committee Prepares for Profiles


by Rev. Rachael Pryor, Committee Chair

Since our Commissioning at the Kansas-Oklahoma Conference 2020 Annual Meeting, the members of your Search Committee have already begun diligent preparations for the first steps in our Conference Minister search. In November, we participated in a complete orientation meeting led by UCC Conference Minister Coordinator, Rev. Lee Albertson. We viewed sample profiles and became more familiar with the "Marks of Faithful and Effective Ministers" in preparation for the language we can expect to see in the profiles we receive. We reviewed our timeline and reiterated our commitment to complete confidentiality.

On December 10, we met once more to finalize the language for our "posting" on the UCC Ministry Opportunities website. This posting is a brief paragraph on the landing page for our job description, giving potential candidates a snapshot of our Conference and our vision for our next CM. We also finished setting up a spreadsheet for reviewing profiles as they arrive.

The timing of our search process has aligned well with the calendar: commissioning in October, then preparatory work in November and December -- a time when most potential candidates are likely to be busier than usual with their current ministries. When our position description goes live on January 4, 2021, it will be an ideal time of year to attract the attention of the many excellent candidates we will be able to consider. Profiles will be accepted through February 26, and then the true work of the committee begins as we evaluate all applicants faithfully with the support of your prayers and the Spirit's guidance.

If you know of interested applicants, or would like to encourage anyone to apply, please share the news that we will be ready to receive profiles beginning in early January. As always, candidates' questions about the profiles and process can be directed to Rev. Lee Albertson at Thank you for your patience and support. We are once more sharing the names of the full Search Committee here in the hopes that you will keep us all in prayer by name in the coming months.

  • Susan Baker Anderson, Plymouth Congregational UCC, Lawrence, KS

  • Rev. Gage Church, Central Congregational, Topeka, KS

  • Mandy Cook, Evangelical UCC, Marysville, KS

  • Jim French, Community UCC. Partridge, KS

  • Meaghan Hunt, Mayflower Congregational Church, Oklahoma City, OK

  • Dewan Keesee, Fellowship Congregational UCC, Tulsa, OK

  • Rev. Rachael Pryor, Rolling Hills UCC, Salina, KS

  • Rev. Caela Simmons Wood, First Congregational UCC, Manhattan, KS


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