Exploring Congregational Generosity


Stewardship in any season can be stressful for pastors. It can feel awkward—“I’m asking people to pay me!” It can feel unspiritual—“Jesus chased the money changes out of the temple!”

The Cultivating Generous Congregations Seminar for pastors and lay leaders offers an opportunity to explore faithful, practical, and tested ways to promoting generosity in our congregations. We will draw on current research, seek guidance from the wisdom of scripture, and discuss the best practices in church-based fundraising.

The seminar will improve the “bottom line” of your congregation. But I want to be clear that this bottom line is about more than money. Mission and ministry remain the real bottom line of our work. This seminar will help pastors and leaders engage generosity as a spiritual practice.

Please sign up now for the Cultivating Generous Congregations Seminar. The program will be taught by the Rev. Andy DeBraber, Generosity Officer of the national setting, and myself, Andrew Warner, Generosity Outreach Officer. We’ll meet for six online sessions over the course of the spring: 6:30pm to 8:00pm EST on Tuesdays—Feb. 9, Feb. 23, Mar. 9, Mar. 23, Apr. 13, and Apr. 27, 2021. Between class sessions, Andy and Andrew will provide materials to help you analyze the culture of your own congregation and learn how to create change. By the end of the seminar, pastors and leaders will be equipped to lead effective fundraising and you will have a strategy to guide your success moving forward.

Be sure to recruit at least a team of two for this program. Changing the culture of your congregation requires more than one dedicated leader. Success depends on engaging a team of leaders from your congregation.

The CGC Seminar is $150 per participant. Register here by January 15, 2021.


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