Next Conference Minister Elected
Rev. Lorraine Ceniceros
by Rev. Michael Vollbrecht
On Saturday August 21st delegates from nearly half of the congregations in Kansas and Oklahoma met to elect the Rev. Lorraine Ceniceros (read bio) as it’s 8th Conference Minister. Of the 63 in attendance, 58 votes were recorded in the affirmative, with one abstention. Without a single negative vote, Lorraine was overwhelmingly approved, receiving enthusiastic virtual applause by those in attendance.
Speaking to those gathered, Lorraine thanked the delegates for taking time on Saturday morning for the event, and expressed her gratitude for the conversations she had been able to have over the previous week's "meet and greet" events, which introduced her to several members of the Conference.
Lorraine spoke about her desire to let every voice be heard when it comes to decision making within the Conference. "None of us have all the answers, and together we can imagine things that we could not imagine apart," she said.
Dewann Keesee, Chaplain of the Search Committee
Following the election Dewan Keesee, member of Fellowship Congregational Church in Tulsa and a participant on the Search Committee, offered a prayer of thanksgiving:
Wellspring of Life, we find ourselves in a time of turmoil, looking for answers. We are thankful for the answer you have provided us in Edith. In the same spirit, as you continue to speak, thank you for the answer that is Lorraine. We extend appreciation to all those who have been part of this process. We look forward as we continue onward in the creation of your Kin-dom. We ask your blessing as we walk together in this journey, may your love and mercy abide with us as we go from this virtual place into the world. Amen.
In a closing comment, Lorraine thanked the group, emphasizing how well they have been prepared by current Conference leadership to move into the future. "You are willing to make mistakes, to come together, and support each other. All good things are ahead as we roll up our sleeves and work together. Thank you all!"
Lorraine will notify the Wisconsin Conference and begin to wrap up her work and complete plans to relocate to Kansas-Oklahoma. Lorraine will overlap in December with Edith for a short time
Bobbie Henderson, KO Conference President
The gathering ended with Bobbie Henderson asking for a virtual standing ovation for Edith Guffey and for all that she has done for our Conference over these past several years. In closing, Lorraine offered the benediction:
You are God's own people. Go into the world in peace declaring the praises of God who has called you into wonderful life. May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope through the grace of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Lorraine will officially begin her position on January 1, 2022.