KO Conference Clergy Mini Retreat Session II

KO Conference Clergy Mini Retreat Session II

Date: August 5, 2024

Location: Colonial Church in Prairie Village

As we minister in our communities, it can be challenging, especially as highly emotionally charged and important issues play at the forefront of voting decisions, to engage in authentic conversations with others. Leonard McMahon, PhD, Assistant Professor of Pastoral Care, Spirituality, and Political Theology at the Pacific School of Religion, will lead a workshop about Common Ground Dialogue which strives to bring divergent citizens into deeper conversations for the sake of our democracy.

Clergy may choose to come in on Sunday evening for dinner and fellowship with an overnight stay; OR you may join in starting Monday morning at 9:30 a.m. with a plan to stay over on Monday evening instead with dinner Monday evening included. We will gather at Colonial Church in Prairie Village for worship and workshops led by Leonard McMahon, PhD. Please plan to attend the entire event (9:30am-5:00 p.m.) on Monday if you register. One night's hotel stay is included in the cost of the retreat, but if you wish to stay for both Sunday and Monday nights, choose only the SUNDAY hotel stay option and book your own room for Monday.

The 2024 Clergy Mini-Retreats are possible due to a grant from Brown Endowment of United Church Funds.


July Message from Conference Minister Rev. Lorraine Ceniceros


June Message From Conference Minister Rev. Lorraine Ceniceros