July Message from Conference Minister Rev. Lorraine Ceniceros

Important Updates and Exciting News

The last few weeks have been eventful in the life of the conference, and I wanted to keep you updated on some recent developments.

Email Security Incident

This week, my email was hacked, resulting in an unauthorized email sent to over 1,100 addresses with the subject line: "Kansas Oklahoma Conference UCC 'Proposal Request' with you for review." If you received this email, please disregard it. Thankfully, Microsoft quickly intervened and shut down access to my account within minutes of the mass email being sent. New security measures have been added, and conference emails is fully functional at this point.  

Board of Directors Activities

The Board of Directors has been diligently vetting programs to be offered to the conference. We are excited about these initiatives and will share more details as plans are finalized. Exciting things are happening within our congregations:

  • Colonial Church in Prairie Village: We have bid farewell to Rev. Aaron Roberts, who is transitioning from local church ministry to prepare for his role as a United States Navy Chaplain. Colonial Church has hired an intentional interim pastor to guide them through this period of preparation for calling a new settled pastor.

  • Rural Congregation: One of our rural congregations is in the process of calling a new pastor. We look forward to welcoming this new leader to our community.

Personal Update

In recent weeks, I have been undergoing eye surgery and the associated medical visits. My eyes are healing well, though this has been a bit distracting.

Clergy Retreats and Political Climate

This year, we are offering three clergy retreats to support our authorized ministers in navigating this politically charged year. With the latest events on the national stage, the rhetoric seems to be causing more divisiveness. I urge you to remember our calling as God's people in the United Church of Christ. In these times of uncertainty and potential fear, it is crucial that we uphold our mission of extravagant welcome and acceptance to all, regardless of who they love, their sexual identity, or the color of their skin. We are called to embody justice, peace, and hope.

Thank you for your understanding and support during these times. Let us continue to work together in faith and community.





KO Gathering at White Memorial Camp


KO Conference Clergy Mini Retreat Session II