June Message From Conference Minister Rev. Lorraine Ceniceros

June Reflections: Embracing Diversity and Mourning Loss

As we journey through the month of June, we find ourselves in a tapestry of emotions—celebration, reflection, and mourning. Our progressive religious community honors the interconnectedness of all people and recognizes the sacredness in our diverse identities and experiences. This month, we come together to celebrate Pride Month, commemorate Juneteenth, and lament the tragic loss of lives in Gaza and Israel.

Celebrating Pride Month

Pride Month is a vibrant time to honor and uplift the LGBTQ+ community. It is a celebration of love, resilience, and the ongoing fight for equality. Our faith teaches us that every person is a reflection of the Divine, and we are called to embrace each other with compassion and respect. Throughout June, various congregations and communities will host events and discussions that highlight the contributions of LGBTQ+ individuals to our community and beyond. Let us stand in solidarity, affirming that love in all its forms is sacred. If your congregation is hosting an event, please submit the event information here: https://www.kocucc.org/calendar

Commemorating Juneteenth

On June 19th, we observe Juneteenth, a pivotal day in American history that marks the end of slavery in the United States. Juneteenth is a reminder of the long journey towards freedom and justice for Black Americans. It is a time for both celebration and reflection. We honor the strength and resilience of those who fought for freedom and continue to fight against systemic racism and inequality. Our community is committed to working towards a future where every person is truly free and treated with dignity.

 Mourning the Loss of Lives in Gaza and Israel

While we celebrate and honor significant milestones this month in our country, we also find ourselves in a time of mourning for lives lost in the Middle East. The recent violence in Gaza and Israel has led to the heartbreaking loss of many lives. As a community dedicated to peace and justice, we lament these deaths and the ongoing suffering. Let us, as we are able, call for the end of violence, and for a path toward a just and lasting peace. Let us hold the families of those affected in our hearts and commit to being advocates for peace not just in our own lives but across the world.

 Reinvigorating Our Conference Calendar

We are excited to announce an active use of our conference calendar located on the KO Conference website under the Resources tab. The calendar now includes committee meeting dates and important events. This updated calendar will help us stay connected and engaged with our community’s activities and initiatives. We encourage everyone to participate and contribute to these gatherings as we strive to strengthen our bonds and collective efforts.

 Changes to the Clergy Retreat Format

This year, due to the unique challenges posed by the election season, we are utilizing a new format for our annual clergy retreat. Instead of one retreat, three mini-retreats will be offered to support our authorized clergy in navigating the complexities of national, state, and local elections. These mini-retreats are designed to provide guidance, support, and a space for reflection during these crucial times.

 Save the Date: KO Annual Meeting

We are excited to announce the upcoming K-O Annual Meeting, which will be held on October 4 and 5 at the Wichita United Church of Christ. This gathering is a wonderful opportunity for us to come together, reflect on our shared journey, and plan for the future of our conference.

Dates: October 4 and 5
Location: Wichita United Church of Christ

Please mark your calendars and plan to join us for these important days of connection, discussion, and inspiration. More information about the agenda, speakers, and registration will be provided in the coming weeks.

Exciting Announcement: Attending the 2024 PAAM Convocation

I am honored to travel to Hawaii on June 18th to attend the 2024 PAAM (Pacific Islander Asian-American Ministries) Convocation. I'll be representing not just the Kansas-Oklahoma Conference, but also the Colectivo de UCC Latinx Ministries as their vice-moderator.

Both UCC organizations are proud members of The Council for Racial and Ethnic Ministries (COREM), a vital ministry encompassing the diverse racial and ethnic groups within the United Church of Christ. COREM includes:

United Black Christians
Ministers for Racial Social Economic Justice
Pacific Islander Asian-American Ministries
Colectivo de UCC Latinx Ministries
Council for American Indian Ministry
United Samoan Ministries

I look forward to this opportunity to engage with our broader community, share our experiences, and work together towards our common goals of inclusion and social justice.

Moving Forward Together

In this time of both celebration and sorrow, we are reminded of our shared humanity. Let us renew our commitment to justice, equality, and peace. Through our actions, prayers, and collective efforts, we can create a world that honors the dignity of every individual and promotes the well-being of all.

We invite you to participate in the various events and initiatives offered in your communities this month, to engage in meaningful dialogue with friends, colleagues, and those who might think or feel differently than you. Everybody deserves to be heard, and in the willingness to listen to another, community can be fostered. Together, we can be a beacon of hope and love in these challenging times.

 Let us come together in unity, embracing our diversity, and working towards a world of love, justice, and peace.

With love and solidarity as we walk this journey of faith together,



KO Conference Clergy Mini Retreat Session II


KO 2024 Clergy Retreats - Session II: Finding Common Ground in an Election Year