September Message from Conference Minister Rev. Lorraine Ceniceros

As we gear up for the 2024 KO Annual Meeting, preparations are in full swing. Last year's theme, "Better Together," guided the Holy Conversations held in ten small affinity groups, creating space for individuals from various congregations to connect, share, and grow together. Each group discussed areas where they are giving or would like to give within the church, and where they are receiving or not receiving.

The conversations highlighted shared joys and concerns, emphasizing the importance of these connections. Facilitators compiled this feedback into themes that informed the Board and our churches in planning for 2024. A summary of the Holy Conversations, written by Emilee Bounds of Fellowship Congregational UCC, is available for review. The feedback was overwhelmingly positive, with many appreciating the chance to engage in meaningful discussions with members from different congregations.

This year, our Annual Meeting will focus on the theme "The Economy of Gratitude," inspired by Exodus 25:1-2: “Then God spoke to Moses, saying: 'Tell my people to collect offerings for me; from all who are moved in their hearts to give.'” We will once again host Holy Conversations to explore our hopes and concerns for our congregations and the conference. I invite you to join us in reconnecting with old friends and making new ones, as we learn and grow stronger together.

As we approach the Annual Meeting, the intensity of the current election season is palpable, with many feeling that more is at stake. Regardless of political affiliation, the charged climate has heightened tensions and critical views of opposing sides. The United Church of Christ has launched the “Our Faith Our Vote” campaign, providing people of faith with tools for nonpartisan engagement in our democratic process. More details about the campaign and the call to “Vote with Love” are included later in this newsletter.

My decision to run for State Representative for the 65th District of Kansas is deeply rooted in our denomination's values of love, dignity, and acceptance for all. It is the role of state legislators to listen to their constituents and collaborate on decisions that benefit everyone. I believe that fostering teamwork, setting aside differences, and creating a supportive environment is essential in today’s political climate. My faith inspires me to serve our denomination and community with compassion and fairness, striving for a better world. Together, we are called to support one another for the common good.

This decision was made in consultation with the executive team of the KO Board of Directors, who have endorsed my candidacy. If elected, we will continue to work together to strengthen the conference.

Friends, I encourage you to keep stretching beyond your comfort zones to share Christ's love with others. Building relationships within your congregation, community, and beyond sustains hope in our world. In reaching out and connecting with others, may you feel a deeper connection to the Holy.

Many blessings as we walk this journey of faith together,



KO Gathering at White Memorial Camp