OFFICIAL CALL: Ecclesiastical Councils

The Committee on Ministry - Discernment (COM D) officially invites the Kansas-Oklahoma Conference to the Ecclesiastical Councils' of Rev. Scott Spencer and Rev. Glenda Skinner-Noble Sunday, June 23rd at 3:00 pm. Both Rev. Spencer and Rev. Skinner-Noble are seeking Privilege of Call status. 

The meeting will be hybrid with those attending onsite at Mosaic (3131 NW 50th Street, Oklahoma City) and those online via Zoom (link will be provided after registering). 

Conference Bylaws state that voting membership includes:

  • Lay Delegates from the Conference’s Local Churches

    • Elected or appointed, following local churches' procedures...

  • Authorized Ministers who hold standing in the Conference

  • Conference Board of Directors Members

Also, per Conference bylaws, notification of an Ecclesiastical Council is sent to the voting membership including Lay Delegates of the last Annual Meeting. 

Registration is required for all participants and will close on Sunday, June 16 at midnight. 


Rev. Spencer and Rev. Skinner-Noble's profile information will be provided only to registered delegates on Monday, June 17th.  

Following are some resources for delegates to prepare

Ecclesiastical  for Privilege of Call Overview

The Marks of Faithful and Effective Authorized Ministers 

Best Practices for Training Delegates for Ecclesiastical Councils 

We look forward to being in community together as we engage with Rev. Scott and Rev. Glenda in their calls to the United Church of Christ!


KO 2024 Clergy Retreats - Session II: Finding Common Ground in an Election Year


May Message from Conference Minister Rev. Lorraine Ceniceros