March Message from Conference Minister Rev. Lorraine Ceniceros

At the time of my writing this, it has been 40 days since the 2025 presidential inauguration. 40 days. In that brief period, our government has been turned upside down. Those of us on the left anticipated that life would become more challenging for those of us who opposed the incoming president's policies, but we could not have predicted how difficult it would soon become for everyone. The aggressive dismantling of government agencies that work to keep us healthy and safe, such as the Federal Aviation Administration, the Department of Veterans Affairs, the Social Security Administration and even the Department of Education, to just name a few, will severely weaken the very institutions everyday people rely on. Massive layoffs of federal employees have thrown families into financial turmoil, whether due to job losses or diminished access to essential federal services.

As a clergy person, I am committed to meeting people where they are and ministering to all, regardless of their beliefs or faith. I strive to create a space in my sermons and writings where everyone can see themselves reflected. While I may not achieve this perfectly, my efforts are sincere. Honoring the dignity of every individual is deeply important to me, including those who may dislike me or misunderstand who I am and what I represent. I believe many of my fellow clergy in this conference share similar aspirations. Whether they pastor local congregations, serve as chaplains, work in the non-profit sector, or are no longer actively serving, we all work hard to bring God’s love and hope to the people we encounter.

I usually manage to maintain neutrality while staying true to who I am and who I'm called to be, but this task is becoming increasingly difficult. Following the election, I wrote a newsletter article acknowledging the diverse political beliefs within our conference. I recognized that some would feel joy while many would experience fear over what the election results might mean for them. I was conflicted as I wrote that, knowing that the most vulnerable among us would feel the impact in very real and tangible ways.

My heart ached for those I naively thought would be the only ones to bear the brunt of the new administration’s policies. Over the past 40 days, I’ve come to realize that in time, we all will be affected in one way or another. I lament for everyone who has been or will be impacted by the cruel and heartless treatment they are receiving as they lose their jobs with nothing more than an email or a post on X, formerly known as Twitter, as well as for those who rely on federal services that may no longer be available to them. It’s clear that the rights we have come to expect are under attack, and the consequences of these drastic changes remain uncertain.

The impact of policy changes makes the need for a supportive community like the UCC even more urgent. The beauty and challenge of our denomination lies in our potential to be a large tent where everyone can gather and be honored as a child of God. It’s a space where people can come together, feeling safe to live authentically. However, when we fall short, it becomes clear that we struggle to uphold this ideal. The Gospel of Jesus Christ calls us to embody this large tent, loving our neighbors and even our enemies.

Loving our enemies is undoubtedly difficult. For those among us who have faced marginalization throughout their lives, this challenge can feel nearly impossible. This struggle will soon be shared by more individuals as many will be affected by the erosion of protections. A prime example is the removal of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) programs.

DEI is important because it is not solely about race; it encompasses anyone who diverges from the accepted norms of straight, White, male identity. It includes aspects of identity such as race, ethnicity, gender, age, sexual orientation, disability, and socioeconomic status—essentially, all who are considered "different" in our society. DEI does not harm our straight White male siblings; it helps to create a more equitable world. A world that can bring alive the kingdom of God.

Even though the world feels out of control right now, as a church, there are a few things we can still control. We can lean on our faith to carry us through each day, and we can keep our hearts open to one another and to those who are experiencing the coming changes. I firmly believe that it is our communities of faith, our groups of like-minded individuals, who will carry us through the challenging times ahead. I urge you to reach out to someone when the burden, fear, or uncertainty feels too heavy to bear alone. Remember, we are not alone; scripture tells us who we are and whose we are. When that sense of connection begins to fade, don’t hesitate to call someone. Surround yourself with those you love and those who love you.

I will close as I did in the February newsletter, let us remain grounded in prayer, listening deeply to one another, and trusting Spirit’s movement among us. As Jesus reminds us, ‘By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another’ (John 13:35).

With the abiding hope of Christ as we walk this journey together,



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