January Message from Conference Minister Rev. Lorraine Ceniceros
The new year is off to an eventful start. We are on the brink of welcoming a new presidential administration, bringing with it the uncertainties of transition. At the same time, Kansas experienced a powerful ice and snowstorm that shut down multiple sections of the I-70 corridor - a storm some are calling the storm of the century.
Amid these events, we are preparing to introduce the General Synod Local Arrangements Committee (LAC), which brings together leaders from our conference and the Missouri Mid-South Conference. These leaders will provide key updates about volunteering for General Synod (GS) and the steps needed to register as a volunteer. Rest assured, we will communicate regularly to keep everyone informed. For those who may miss an announcement, all updates will also be available on a dedicated GS page on our website.
As we step into the new year, it’s essential to reflect on the year that has passed. For the Kansas-Oklahoma leadership, 2024 was a year of growth and learning. We moved forward with laughter and, at times, with tears. When challenges arose, we turned to each other and found new ways forward.
Through the practices cultivated in our Holy Conversations, we embraced vulnerability, strengthening our bonds and enhancing our ability to lead this conference together. Let us approach 2025 as an opportunity to grow further and continue developing our skills. Together, we have shown that we can accomplish what is needed to move forward with purpose, unity, and hope.
May your families and congregations be richly blessed in the year ahead.