Grant Funds Available to Local Churches

While it has been some time since the Conference advertised the availability of grants to local churches, funds remain un-distributed in two programs. Churches are reminded that they can apply for Be The Church and/or “Keep Connected” Technology Upgrade grants.

BE THE CHURCH grants are intended to provide seed money to congregations desiring to start new, or continue/expand existing, ministries within their communities – ministries that demonstrate the church’s call to BE THE CHURCH. Grants are available for up to $1,000, until the remaining funds budgeted in 2018 are exhausted. UCC congregations in Kansas and Oklahoma are challenged to identify unmet needs within their communities and explore ways to meet those needs – and the Conference desires to support these local efforts with funding to launch the projects.

Keep Connected grants support technology upgrades and enhancements to provide virtual means of effectively keeping members and others connected to worship, fellowship, study groups, and other church activities that contribute to the sense of community and belonging so vital to sustaining and nurturing faith practices. Grants are available for up to $1,500. Some examples of fundable projects:

  •  Purchasing or upgrading electronic equipment for online worship/church meetings

  • Technical assistance and support to set up and maintain online worship/church meetings

  • Training staff and volunteers

  • Virtual meeting subscription fees

  • Other outreach expenses to engage participants

 To be eligible for a grant, churches must complete an application and meet the following requirements demonstrating commitment to our covenantal partnership through:

  • A history of regular OCWM support

  • Pastor and lay delegates attending Annual Meeting

  • Church staff and council members receiving or agreeing to receive the K-O eNews

 Visit the Local Church Resources page of the website for more information and to complete an application.

Applications must be submitted by July 26, 2022.

For more information, contact Lorraine Ceniceros,, or Bobbie Henderson,


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