Called to Stand With You


By now you are aware of the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe vs. Wade. The world is in fact aware of this controversial court decision. Like many issues in this country, the topic of abortion rights, which at its heart is about bodily autonomy, has people on both sides feeling strongly about what is important to them. I recognize that the same is true for some in our conference, and I understand the point of view of those who feel this decision supports your view of life.

However, for those of you who feel the ability to make the difficult decisions regarding your health and wellbeing has been taken away, I mourn with you. For those of you who are frightened that this decision might be the beginning of other hard-won rights being rescinded, I am frightened with you. For women and people who can get pregnant who already lack access to good healthcare, this decision pushes you further into the margins, making it nearly impossible to access the reproductive care you need. I stand with you and offer whatever support I can give.

The national officers of the United Church of Christ released this statement today in support of the protests around the country. In the UCC, the wider church provides pastoral letters and support for national issues to speak to the church, and yet we know that it does not speak for the whole church. I am not telling you what to think: I am telling you where I am called to stand.

Blessings to you in these turbulent times,

Rev. Lorraine Ceniceros
Conference Minister


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