Four-Way Covenants for Authorized Ministers Serving in a Non-Local Church

Four-Way Covenant for Authorized Ministers Serving in a Non-Local Church

As mentioned in the January newsletter, Three- or Four-Way Covenants will become a standing requirement in the Kansas-Oklahoma Conference beginning in 2026. Various versions of the covenant exist, depending on ministerial standing and ministry setting. This month, we are focusing on Authorized Ministers with Ordained Ministerial Standing serving outside a local church setting. For example, chaplaincy, military, non-profit, or even for-profit settings. You can find an example covenant here.

Strengthening Ministry Together

In the United Church of Christ, ministry is a shared endeavor rooted in mutual accountability, support, and a commitment to God’s mission. When an Authorized Minister and ministry setting beyond the Local Church enter into a season of laboring together, the expectation of employment (such as scope of work and compensation) are detailed in a call agreement or contract between the Authorized Minister and the ministry setting.

The sacred nature of the shared ministry between the ministry setting, the Authorized Minister, the Local Church of membership, and the Association for the purpose of God’s mission and the relationship expectations of all covenantal partners should be made explicit in writing with a Four-way Covenant —a commitment between the Authorized Minister, the Calling Body/Employer, the Local Church, and the Conference (Acting as an Association).

The Four-Way Covenant is more than a document; it reflects our call to strengthen and encourage ministry through healthy relationships, good communication, and mutual care. Each partner plays a vital role in ensuring the well-being of the Church and the flourishing of God’s mission.

The Covenant in Action

The purpose of the Four-Way Covenant is threefold:

  1. To strengthen, support, and sustain the ministries of all covenant partners and ministry settings.

  2. To encourage participation and accountability among the Local Church, the Authorized Minister, and the wider UCC.

  3. To nurture and celebrate the ministry of the Authorized Minister within the Church and beyond.

Each covenant partner has specific responsibilities that help foster a thriving ministry:

  • Ministerial Setting commits to fair terms of call/employment.

  • The Authorized Minister commits to maintaining ministerial standing, living faithfully into the UCC Ministerial Code, and serving the congregation with dedication and integrity.

  • The Local Church commits to actively engaging in the life of the Association and Conference, supporting its Authorized Minister, and upholding its commitments outlined in the call agreement.

  • Conference (Acting as an Association) provides oversight, ensures accountability, and nurtures the health and vitality of the Local Church and the Authorized Minister.

A Covenant of Mutual Ministry

The authority of the Four-Way Covenant does not come from hierarchical power but from a shared understanding of and respect for covenantal relationships. It is not designed to prioritize the needs of any single party but to ensure that all partners flourish together in faithful service to Christ.

As we continue to live out our callings, may we embrace the spirit of this covenant—walking together in faith, accountability, and love. For in covenant, we find strength. In shared ministry, we find purpose. And in God’s mission, we find our calling.

Rev. Nikki Stahl

Associate Conference Minister
Kansas-Oklahoma Conference
United Church of Christ


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