Conference Minister Rev. Dr. Lorraine Ceniceros Completes Her Doctoral Work

On February 28, Dianne Reistroffer and Dr. Jamesetta Ferguson announced that the Rev. Dr. Lorraine Ceniceros (Advanced Practice of Ministry Track) successfully defended her Doctor of Ministry Project.

Entitled Assimilation to Liberation: A Narrative Autoethnography of a Third-Generation Mexican-American Female Leader Serving in a Predominantly White Denomination, Dr. Ceniceros’ autoethnography addresses her own journey as a Mexican American in the United States and the issue of the fragmenting of self that can take place through the denial of a culture of origin and total assimilation into the dominant White cultures.  By recapturing her own story and interpreting it through the lens of Latinx theology, history, biblical hermeneutics, and Harro’s Cycles of Socialization and Liberation, Dr. Ceniceros demonstrates ways in which the social construction of identity can take on a life of its own and the freedom that can come when a person experiences an event that causes them to see themselves differently in the world which then sets them on the course of liberation.  These and other themes proved helpful in understanding her own experience of the process of assimilation and the way out of assimilation into a liberative wholeness.

 Congratulations, Dr. Lorraine Ceniceros!  We are happy to celebrate this milestone with you!


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Four-Way Covenants for Authorized Ministers Serving in a Non-Local Church