Churches & Pastors In Transition

“Churches in transition” is a bit of an understatement these days! It used to mean churches that were somewhere in what was the “typical” or “standard” search process of the UCC.  It’s beginning to feel that the “standard search process,” at least in KO, is the exception rather than the rule! The days of completing the UCC Profile, posting it on the UCC Employment Opportunities Listing, and sitting back and waiting for pastors to submit their UCC Profiles is pretty much over for many congregations. The “traditional UCC Search Process” still works, but it works best for congregations seeking full time pastors and it works even better for congregations that are located in the areas where the UCC is more densely populated.  Neither of these criteria apply to KO; which means that the process to support congregations in finding the right leadership is anything but standard.

This is important to note because when churches are listed as “In transition” that probably means something different for each congregation. The only thing that the congregations have in common is that the congregation has not called a settled pastor. It could mean they are doing some important work before formally entering the search process; such as asking key questions about who they are or who God is calling them to become.  This is a key question, as it’s difficult to search for the right “fit” if a congregation is unclear about their own identity. The congregation may be asking very difficult question about viability; can they afford to call a pastor or do they need to look for a partner congregation? Or, they be exploring an even more difficult question: Is there energy to move forward? Is there vision for the future? Or, as is sometimes the case, is this the time to explore closure?

If a congregation is experiencing transition, a pastor is as well. The Conference Minister and the Committee on Ministry are both responsible for the support and care of pastors as they experience transitions of all kinds throughout the course of their ministry. Whatever the questions, times of transition are challenging. Remember to pray for these congregations and pastors as they seek to discern God’s call for the future.


Congregations Active in the Search Process and/or  Receiving Profiles

Christian and Congregational Church, Eureka, KS


Congregations in Discernment Status   

Congregational UCC, Kiowa

Community Congregational UCC, Carbondale

St Paul UCC Eudora

Grace UCC Abilene, KS


Annual Yearbook Data Submission Underway


Thank You Don Miller & Heidi Hawkinson-Penny