Annual Yearbook Data Submission Underway

Each year, all UCC churches report to National Setting the current information about membership, attendance at congregational activities and finances. This is done by completing online forms on the UCC Data Hub. All KO churches have received an email with instructions on how to access the online forms and offering assistance as needed from the KO Registrar to complete the forms. The deadline for churches to complete the online forms is March 3. After that time, the KO Registrar can still submit the information with your help for a few more weeks. Here are 12 reasons why you should report your church data to the Registrar:

Download as a PDF.

Please help in assuring the information is added to the online records no later than March 3.  If you have any questions, contact the Registrar at and she will be happy to assist. 


Looking Ahead, with Epiphany Eyes…


Churches & Pastors In Transition