61st Annual Meeting: Recap
written by
Rev. Michael Vollbrecht, Associate Pastor, Colonial Church in Prairie Village
Thank you to the ministers, lay delegates, visitors, and exhibitors who helped make the 61st Annual Meeting of the Kansas-Oklahoma Conference a time of hope and healing. This theme, which included presentations, workshops, and gatherings, could not have been more appropriate for a group that has been unable to gather in-person since October 2019. As several commented, "we needed this!"
The event began with workshops on topics that ranged from church life in a post-pandemic world, the importance of mental health, choosing relational connections to build the church, and caring for one another in a trauma-filled world. The business meeting was short but productive, and led to continued opportunities for connection at dinner and worship. The Reverend Jason* -- no, that's not right - Jacob Poindexter, preached a sermon that offered new dimensions for reflection as we continue to be the church here in Kansas and Oklahoma.
After a breakfast sponsored by Phillips Theological Seminary, we gathered for two plenary presentations. First, the Rev. Dr. Aizaiah Yong, Assistant Professor of Spirituality at Claremont School of Theology, presented an intimate, moving lecture on finding hope and healing in the unpredictable. Following his powerful message, Mr. Christopher Freeze of Hope Rising Mississippi spoke to those gathered about the science of hope and well-being. This informative talk can still be watched (together with Rev. Yong's presentation) on our Facebook page.
The meeting ended with lunch and celebrations of ministers and churches. Notably, two congregations celebrated their 150 year anniversaries: First Congregational UCC of Great Bend, and First Congregational UCC of Russell, both in Kansas. Several ordination anniversaries were observed, including Rosemary McCombs Maxey (35 years), Peter Luckey (40 years), and William Best (55 Years). Congratulations and blessings to all who were recognized in their continued ministries! You can find the full list in the annual meeting resources section of our website.
In addition to pastoral updates and introductions, it was shared that two members in discernment met with the committee on ministry during the annual meeting. Quinn Gorges and Pam Schonauer received the status of "ordained pending call," and we rejoice with their congregations as they prepare for their next steps in ministry. We will share ordination information as it becomes available... these are always wonderful opportunities to gather as a conference!
Quinn (second from left) and Pam (fourth from left)
It was also shared with the conference that the Rev. Rachael Pryor has been selected as our new Associate Conference Minister. Congratulations, Rachael!
Our conference minister, the Rev. Lorraine Ceniceros, announced that an effort is being made to hold future annual meetings within our own churches, not only to save money but to remind us of the connection that the conference has to the local church. It will be exciting to see how this unfolds.
Hope, healing, and connection. What a great theme, and a great meeting! We're grateful for everyone who had a role in making this event a success, and we look forward to seeing you (in person again, we hope!) next year.
* Rev. Jacob Poindexter's name was unfortunately written as "Jason" in the agenda. We are grateful that this tidbit made for an entertaining story during the meeting, when Jacob made it a part of his excellent sermon. We're sorry for the oversight, Jacob, but glad it worked out.