June 2021 Committee on Ministry Updates

Save the Date: 2021 Anti-Racism Boundary Training

Please mark your calendars for two Fridays: September 24 and October 1, 2021 from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. All authorized ministers who hold standing in KO (unless you have Exempt Standing) covenant to participate in boundary training every three years. The focus of our current cycle is "Anti-Racism and Racial Justice." This year's session will be led by Julia Gaughan, KO's Consultant for Equity and Inclusion. The training will be held by Zoom, with some assigned preparation ahead of time, large and small group sessions, and breaks built in to the schedule. The cost of this training is $75. Ministers who are due for training will be receiving a reminder soon from the Committee on Ministry.


Evaluating Preparation for New Ministers

The Committee on Ministry, subcommittee D, is beginning a conversation about the best kinds of preparation for Members in Discernment and others who are considering authorized ministry. One area for exploration is the impact of Clinical Pastoral Education. We are asking all authorized ministers to take this very short survey whether or not you have completed CPE. We'd like to hear your feedback about whether you loved it, liked it, or didn't miss having it. Thank you for helping us jump-start this important conversation about formation for ministry in a changing context!


KO Clergy Retreat 2021


Strengthen the Church Offering