Committee on Ministry Updates for April 2021
Thank you to everyone who has sent in their annual report! If yours is still due and you can't find the link, please reach out to our KO Registrar, Jan Lange, at Along with these reports and Annual Meeting, the Committee on Ministry supports two other annual elements for pastoral accountability: Boundary Training and Continuing Education. We are in the process of planning the 2021 Session of Boundary Training, which continues with a focus on Racial Justice and Anti-Racism. Plans for Annual Meeting continue to develop, and we have not yet determined whether Boundary Training will be in person and/or concurrent with Annual Meeting. Please watch for updates in our future newsletters. We are also carefully reviewing options for continuing education (or possibly a retreat), with the awareness that so many of us are experiencing Zoom fatigue these days. As always, ministers are free to seek out the CE opportunities that best fit your needs; and we welcome your suggestions for our potential offerings yet to come this year.
We are particularly mindful of the importance of being there for each other as colleagues these days. COM chairs and Edith are always available for a phone call; and we want to make sure everyone is aware of the monthly clergy Zoom meet-up (typically 2nd Mondays at 2 p.m.). This is an unprogrammed opportunity to share challenges, support, and ideas. Please contact Aaron Roberts ( if you would like to receive the meeting invites and links.
The Committee on Ministry is here to offer support and accountability at all times -- not just for call transitions, or when things get difficult! We are your colleagues and we are in this with you, tending to the shared covenant of ministry that makes the UCC possible. We're also available to meet with you and your congregations to support a better understanding of ministry discernment, authorization, and transitions. Please reach out to Edith or any COM chair to discuss ways we can offer support.
Erik Grafe
Mauri Peaco
Rachael Pryor
Committee on Ministry Co-Chairs