Committee on Ministry Updates (5/2021)
Survey: Authorized Ministers Retreat
Can we help you find some time away from the ongoing demands of your ministry setting? Are you looking for a low-key opportunity to reconnect with other KO clergy friends? Let us know in this survey. In recent years, we've offered opportunities to gather outside of Annual Meeting, often organized around some type of continuing education event. This year, while opportunities for virtual learning abound, the Committee on Ministry has been wondering whether what you need most, is simply the chance to be in one another's company. We're ready to organize a short retreat around some elements like Lectio Divina, Spiritual Direction, and shared meals and prayer.
The exact format of the retreat depends on two questions: is there interest? And if so: virtual or in-person? Please take 30 seconds to let us know in this quick survey, and we'll be in touch with the results!
Hybrid Worship Resources
If you're feeling overwhelmed by the number of opportunities for virtual learning, you are not alone! We know it can be hard to balance keeping up with new skills and strategies in the midst of your day-to-day ministry. Here are two resources that come recommended by Edith Guffey and Committee on Ministry folks for one area we know many of you are deeply engaged in these days: hybrid models for returning to in-person worship.
The Indiana-Kentucky Conference hosted a two-session series with Troy Vaupel (owner of Vaupel video) focused on the personnel, planning, and technology that can support successful hybrid worship models. Troy is a lay leader and Creative Ministry Director at Bethlehem UCC in Evansville, Indiana, where he has been working with the Senior Minister to produce weekly virtual worship services. The series is available for free on YouTube in two parts: Session One: Time and Talent and Session Two: Tools and Tech.
Another excellent resource comes from Convergence, an organization you may know by its earlier incarnation: The Center for Progressive Renewal. A three-week cohort on How to do Hybrid Church is available starting TODAY (May 12) for $119. Videos from the session can be accessed at any time. We anticipate additional cohorts being offered in future months, so please keep an eye out for this and more great resources from one of the UCC's primary partners in collaboration and innovation for the Church.
Welcome New Clergy
We'll have more detailed biographies to share in the next eNews, but we'd like to give a brief welcome to three authorized ministers (sort of) new to KO! Rev. Ryan Murray returns to his home Conference after a stint in the Northwest; he is serving as a hospice chaplain in the Kansas City area while making Colonial UCC his home church. Rev. Caroline Vautrinot comes to us from the Maine Conference to serve as chaplain at Brewster Place in Topeka (KO's only CHHSM provider) while living in Junction City. Her home church is Zion UCC. Rev. Amy Kay Pavlovich grew up in the UCC in Kansas but was ordained in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). She has now received Ordained Ministerial Standing through the Privilege of Call process; and currently serves an ELCA congregation in Marquette, Kansas while living in Lindsborg. Welcome friends, new and old!