Upcoming Clergy, Coffee, and Conversation Zoom Meetings
“Conversation and connection is vital. Here is a place where clergy in the Kansas-Oklahoma Conference can share together openly about anything on their hearts or minds, hosted by Rev. Lorraine Ceniceros—conversations for any authorized minister in the Conference.”
Upcoming Clergy, Coffee, and Conversation meetings through January 2023
One more meeting in December and 6 in January!
These meetings come in 2 “flavors”:
Clergy, Coffee and Conversation: ALL Authorized Ministers
Thursday, December 29 at 10AM
Thursday, January 5 at 3PM
Tuesday, January 10 at 10AM
Thursday, January 19 at
Tuesdays, January 24 at 10AM
Clergy, Coffee, and Conversation: Ministers Serving Alternate Settings (schools, chaplaincies, etc…)
Saturday, January 7 at 1PM
Saturday, January 28 at 1PM
This link will be used for all CCC meetings:
Meeting ID: 768 981 4877
Passcode: 484216