Space Available in Your Leadership Edge Course with the Kansas Leadership Center

“Anyone can lead, anywhere, anytime . . . “

Remember the song, “What the world needs now is . . . “ I’m guessing your inclination is to finish the sentence with “Love, Sweet Love.” And in today’s world, we could certainly use a little more love.

But we could also benefit from a lot more LEADERSHIP – and the good news is that since January 2021, over 55 clergy and lay members of the Kansas-Oklahoma Conference UCC have participated at no cost in leadership training through a special grant from the Kansas Leadership Center (KLC).

Through the Conference’s partnership with KLC, we’ve learned that leadership is a skill that can be developed through learning and practice – helping people from all positions and backgrounds acquire the ability to exercise proven competencies and practices.

Space is still available for K-O members to enroll in the Your Leadership Edge, the first course in the series and the foundational training that introduces core concepts in KLC’s powerful leadership framework. Discover new ways to communicate, solve problems and lead more effectively within your organization, community, and family. Sharpen interpersonal skills, self-awareness, and confidence.

It’s not too late to start your leadership learning journey with KLC. The final 2022 session of Your Leadership Edge takes place virtually on November 16 & 17. The deadline to register for the course is Wednesday, November 2nd.

To register, go to Your Leadership Edge | Kansas Leadership Center

Use Promo Code to enroll for free:  UCC2022


Pam Schonauer Ordination


We Welcome Rev. Rachael Pryor as Our New Associate Conference Minister