Search is Live for Future KO Conference Minister
by Rev. Rachael Pryor
Chair, Conference Minister
Search Committee
We're excited to share that our search process has taken a big step forward as of February 1, 2021. Our posting is now publicly visible on the UCC Ministry Opportunities website under the category "Wider Church." Profiles may be submitted with the UCC staff at MESA through March 31, and we've already received several profiles. If you know of a potential candidate, please encourage them to apply! We look forward to having a diverse pool of qualified applicants. However, it may be helpful to remind potential candidates that all profiles must go through the national office. Our search team cannot receive any applications or resumes directly.
It has been a blessing to work with Rev. Lee Albertson, our UCC Conference Minister Search Coordinator. His expertise helps our entire process run smoothly, including the creation of our job posting, and the development of a spreadsheet for comparing profiles. Rev. Albertson has also provided our team with anti-bias training materials provided by MESA; and he works with other MESA staff to ensure that the profiles we review are fully compliant with all requirements for authorized ministers.
We now enter a time of prayerful waiting, as additional profiles are received. Our Search Committee will have an informal meeting in March to address any logistical questions that arise as we begin to read profiles individually, but our next major step in reviewing candidates together will not take place until April. Please keep us all in your prayers: for patience and wisdom as we consider profiles with open hearts and discerning minds; and for the calling of the Spirit to guide a fitting and faithful servant-leader into our Conference.
You can download a copy of the Conference Profile here.