Rev. Michael Vollbrecht Appointed to the Position of Generosity Officer for the United Church of Christ's West Central Region

One of the richest blessings that I see  within the United Church of Christ, and in the Kansas-Oklahoma Conference in particular, is the depth of variety in the ministries of our clergy and lay members. From local church pastors to chaplains, to moderators and church councils, to choir members, and to our Conference staff, there is so much talent, experience, and wisdom to be shared. I can see and feel the commitment to justice and God's message of love and inclusivity that is shared in our churches and meeting rooms. Our UCC churches are incredible!

It's the way in which we each give to the life and mission of the church that inspires me in my ministry. Life is often hard, and we encounter many challenges in our world each day. That's what makes creating a beloved community of God's love so vital to us here in Kansas and Oklahoma, and it's where I've felt God guiding me to serve as I've explored a new position over the past several months.

I'm excited to share with you that I have been appointed to the position of Generosity Officer for the United Church of Christ's West Central Region. This full-time position, which supports the Minnesota, Missouri Mid-South, Northern Plains, the Iowa, Nebraska, and South Dakota Tri-Conference, and the Kansas-Oklahoma Conferences, will help conferences, churches, and donors to connect with the UCC’s national setting more effectively and to resources and opportunities that help to put our faith, mission, and gifts into action.

We have a lot to do to build a just world for all through our ministry, mission, and witness, and this requires not only sustainable financial resources, but people committed to doing the work (like all of you!) I love building relationships with people and helping people to connect their passion with purpose so that we can make a real difference in the lives of others in our churches and local communities, and I’m looking forward to beginning this work with you.

I am so thankful for the support of the Kansas-Oklahoma Conference. When I first walked into Plymouth Congregational Church in Lawrence, Kansas, eight years ago, I couldn’t have imagined the impact that decision would have on my life. KO has supported me throughout my seminary studies and journey to ordination, and over the years I’ve been able to meet so many wonderful people in our two states. This is truly a special community.

I can't wait to see where God takes us together!


Rev. Michael Vollbrecht will begin his ministry as a Generosity Officer for the United Church of Christ on June 16th. He continues to serve Colonial Church in Prairie Village as their associate minister.


A Message from Rev. Lorraine Ceniceros, Conference Minister and Synod 34!


The Institute for Youth Ministry at Princeton’s Log College Project