Peter Lucky Will Join Upcoming Clergy Conversation to Talk about Coaching
Peter Luckey, coach and Anna Luckey, graphic designer
Could I use a coach?
Join Peter Luckey for a conversation on coaching this Tuesday, February 21st at 10:15 at the KO conference clergy conversation.
Meeting ID: 768 981 4877
Passcode: 484216
Have you ever laid awake?—A problem has taken over your brain like a merry go around that never quits.
Stop! Please! You say to yourself. I need a fresh set of eyes, I want to see this from a new angle.
But try as you might, you keep coming up with the same old tired answers.
How helpful would it be to have a “thinking partner”, a person who could really listen, ask a few powerful questions, so that you could discover your own awareness and convert it into a plan of action?
This is what a coach does. She empowers you. She gets you. You are the center of the coaching relationship. You get to decide what you want to work on, where you want the conversation to go.
My name is Peter Luckey. I am retired from full time ministry. Being a coach is my new calling. I am employing my pastoral skills to help other pastors get the results they want.
If you ever wondered what coaching could do for you, come join me in a conversation over zoom at our next clergy gathering on Tuesday, February 21st at 10:15. All questions welcomed!
This is the link for all CCC meetings:
Meeting ID: 768 981 4877
Passcode: 484216