New Treasurer Appointed
Rich Bireta
Earlier this year the Conference wished Mark Van Dorn well as he left his long-term position as KO Treasurer in order to focus on other responsibilities. We are fortunate that Rich Bireta, member of the Finance and Stewardship Committee, has agreed to step into this role! This makes Rich the chair of this committee, and we are grateful for his expertise.
Rich and his wife Jane live in Lawrence Kansas where Rich is recently retired after a 40+ year career in the information technology industry. The Bireta’s have been members of Plymouth Congregational Church in Lawrence for over 20 years. Jane and Rich raised six children and currently enjoy visiting their four grandchildren. Rich has served as Plymouth's Treasurer for six years and as a member of the Board of Stewardship for three years. He is currently Plymouth's Deputy Treasurer.
It is not always easy to find members willing to serve in stewardship roles given the complexity of finances. We are fortunate that Rich has agreed to serve, and you will have an opportunity to hear from Rich at this year’s Annual Meeting in October.
Welcome, Rich!