Join Us In Wichita!

According to the calendar, summer is coming to an end, and even as the weather in Kansas and Oklahoma might begin to reflect that change, we know the fall season will soon be upon us. How do we know that? Well, Annual Meeting is almost here! Throughout this year, I have written about connection and in just a few weeks we will be able to connect in meaningful ways as we share, laugh, learn, and worship together.

The annual meeting planning team is proud of the program they have put together to help equip us spiritually and emotionally as we begin to move out of the shadow of the pandemic. The two plenary speakers will share their expertise in the art and science of healing and hope, and a variety of workshops around the two topics will be available. We are excited about this year’s program and are hopeful you will be as well. Coming together for the annual meeting is an essential source of connection and support for our congregations and authorized ministers. As a reminder to our authorized ministers with standing, attendance at the annual meeting is one of the requirements for your continued standing in the KO Conference.  

This edition of the KO E-News offers information about an online learning opportunity through the Wisconsin/Minnesota Conference Damascus Project.  These opportunities range from classes for lay people who wish to deepen their faith to Members in Discernment requiring graduate-level courses to help equip them for ministry.

Also in this edition is Boundary Training for retired clergy offered online by the Ministerial Excellence, Support & Authorization (MESA) team in the national setting. Traveling for boundary training can be difficult for some of our retired clergy. This training allows those who cannot travel to keep up with the Boundary Training requirement from home. If you decide this is the Boundary Training you will attend, please notify the Committee on Ministry Section A co-chairs before you attend. 

Connections continue to be the focus of conference leadership as we work to restructure conference staff. This reorganization will broaden the reach of conference resources as we seek to better support our clergy and congregations. The change begins with our search for a part-time Associate Conference Minister (ACM) who will report to the conference minister. This position will help us better equip and support both sections of our Committee on Ministry and congregations during their many phases of transition. We are also working to create a Situational Support Consultation team who will be available to support a minister with standing and their ministry setting when circumstances or dynamics within the covenantal relationship require support.  Also ongoing are conversations with other small conferences as we research the possibility of sharing support staff.  Many pieces are shifting as we move forward strategically, seeking to broaden, strengthen, and grow the Kansas Oklahoma Conference.

Friends, I believe one of the keys to creating and sustaining a healthy, cohesive conference lies in connections. Healthy, strong connections allow us to care for one another, cheer each other on, celebrate and lament together, and grow more fully into the beautiful, multifaceted gem that we indeed are.

Many blessings as we walk this journey of faith together,

Rev. Lorraine Ceniceros

Conference Minister

P.S. The hotel reservation window for our special rate has been extended a week. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.


Member In Discernment Spotlight: Quinn Gorges


September is National Preparedness Month