Incoming Conference Minister Arrives Home
Rev. Lorraine Ceniceros
Conference Minister Elect
Hello Kansas Oklahoma Conference of the United Church of Christ!
I am now in Junction City and am excited to begin my work with you. I arrived Saturday, November 27, and am knee deep in boxes; empty, full, and in between, as I attempt to put everything away. Even as I am getting settled, I would like to provide opportunities for conversations that will help us get to know each other.
Because the month of December is often a busy time for our active authorized ministers, I felt it would be best to wait until January to contact clergy. If you are an authorized minister and have the time and interest, please feel free to contact me, either through the link supplied or by email at By the way, the scheduler is not just for clergy! Everyone is invited to reach out if you would like to have a conversation.
In my former position I used a scheduler to make it easy for clergy and lay leaders to schedule one on one meetings with me. This worked so well that I have decided to continue to use the scheduler. Please use this link to schedule an appointment with me. The scheduler shows my availability and will allow you to choose your best date and time for a telephone conversation. In January, the option for a conversation over Zoom will also be available.
Even as my little corner of the world is slowly being put to order, it is clear that the rest of the world continues to be full of disorder, chaos, and uncertainty. Together, we will strive to make sense of the world where we can, work to make a difference as we can, and stand together to move love forward.
Many blessings to you as we travel through this Holy season of Advent, awaiting the birth of Christ. May we be filled with Hope, Peace, Love, and Joy.