February Message from Conference Minister Lorraine Ceniceros

As February gracefully bows out, we express gratitude for the shared moments that made it special. Now, with enthusiasm, we usher in March—a month promising new beginnings and fresh possibilities. Get ready for exciting opportunities as we bid farewell to February and extend a warm welcome to March!

Thank you to all who reached out to congratulate our Rev. Rachael Pryor on being selected as the Conference Minister candidate with the Southern California Nevada Conference. After March 16 we will have more news to share about her impending departure and the opening of the part time Associate Conference Minister position.

A heartfelt thank you to each member of our conference — clergy, lay people, volunteers, and conference supporters. Your dedication is the cornerstone of our collective strength, and we appreciate your unwavering commitment.

Brace yourselves for an array of exciting opportunities in March and beyond. For clergy and lay people alike, this month is packed with events to nurture spiritual growth, personal development, and community engagement. Check out the announcements in this newsletter that include a Faith Formation Leadership Training and Certification sponsored by the Southern New England Conference, the ONA Revitalization Project led by Rev. Regan Saoirse, the last two webinars of Thriving in Rural and Small-Town UCC Churches & Ministries, hosted by the Nurture the Soul series, the Reverend Dr. Héctor E. López Scholarship opportunity for our Latino/a/e seminarians in the UCC, the 2024 Clergywomen’s Leadership Event for female clergy and Members in Discernment, and the Movement-Maker Gatherings hosted by the Join the Movement group. The Movement-Makers gatherings will help support pastors as we enter what most certainly will be a divisive 2024 political season.  All are designed to inspire, connect, assist, and lead us forward. Please contact me if you would like more information about these events.

Your stories matter! Whether it's a personal testimony, an inspiring experience within your congregation, or community work you and your congregation are proud of, we encourage you to share. Your stories enrich our collective narrative, fostering a sense of connection and shared purpose.

As March unfolds, let's collectively embrace the spirit of growth and community. Your input and ideas are instrumental in shaping the future of our work as the conference. If you have suggestions or initiatives you'd like to see, please reach out — we're here to help our conference flourish.

Thank you for being an integral part of the Kansas Oklahoma Conference. As we say goodbye to February, let's eagerly anticipate the adventures and opportunities that March has in store.

Together we are the Church, together we can make a difference in our communities, and together we can make manifest God’s love in our world.

Your Partner on this journey of Fatih,



Seeking Persons to Help with ONA Revitalization Project


Thriving in Rural and Small-Town UCC Churches & Ministries