Building our 2023 Annual Meeting Together - Annual Meeting Brainstorming Zoom Sessions
What would a vibrant Annual Conference Meeting look like for you and your church community? Our planning team has developed a creative new framework for our return to meeting in a local church. Before we move forward, we'd like to hear from our whole Conference once more about some of the topics and activities we are planning. We have a few specific questions in mind, but we're open to where the conversation in the room takes us and what new ideas might spring forth! We are also looking for volunteers who are interested in working on specific elements of Annual meeting, such as workshops, worship, and hospitality.
These casual one-hour Zoom "Big Brainstorm" sessions will take place four times:
Sunday April 23, 3:00 p.m.
Wednesday April 26, 12:00 p.m.
Monday May 1, 4:00 p.m.
Thursday May 4, 7:00 p.m.
Use this link to sign up for a meeting date and time and you will receive a Zoom link and calendar invite in the next few days. Please reach out to Rachael Pryor if you have any questions, at or (620) 504-2888.