Annual Meeting Evaluation

2 Annual Meeting Evaluation Zoom Meetings for All Annual Meeting Attendees

We have two opportunities for Zoom conversations about our Annual Meeting experience, and we hope everyone will be able to attend one of these sessions. A conversation model for feedback makes it easier to ensure that we have a better understanding of the responses we receive, and that we begin right away by creating a vision together for next year's Annual Meeting.

Both Zoom conversations will be held on Thursday, November 10: at 12:00 p.m. and again at 7:30 p.m. The moderators for the meeting will be our Designated Term Associate Conference Minister, Rev. Rachael Pryor; and our Communications Strategist, Russell Ware, and each meeting will be about an hour.

Zoom links here:

12PM (NOON):
Meeting ID: 860 5606 1322
Passcode: AM2022

Meeting ID: 849 1730 3831
Passcode: AM2022

If you are unable to attend either of these sessions, please contact Rachael at or use this Calendly link to schedule a phone call or Zoom conversation.

We look forward to this opportunity to celebrate this year's work and to dream of what comes next together!

Rachael and Russell


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